Category: Book Club

Book club questions


If I could trade places with a character in my book I survived I would want to trade places with Nya the cat because she is the cutest character and she is like the light in the dark times.

This book impacted my mood because it really sympathized with Ben the main character and how sad the atmosphere was. You could really feel from the book how sad he was and how things were so hard for him.

Have you read a book that you can sympathize with the main character?

well thanks for reading I hope you consider reading this book.

The latest in my book

I am doing the book I survived the Japanese  tsunami 2011. I’m in chapter 7 page 38 the people were screaming in Japanese and the only word that he understood was tsunami. We go back in time to 7:45 am that morning Ben was with Harry playing basketball we get information on Bens life and his feelings to be continued….

The main character is Ben they talk in the beginning of the book on how his dad was in the Air Force and how he did not want harry to know his feelings I will update you more the more i read this book.